When a company moves to a new office, it is often a good time to promote new, more conscious, healthier, more respectful habits with everyone and with the world. This is what the Cellnex Telecom internal communication team thought before moving to the new Barcelona offices in 2021.
They wanted a welcome pack that, on the one hand, indicated what facilities they would have near the new location and, on the other hand, what facilities, rules, and utilities the new offices would have.
That’s why from Slabonstudio we designed a whole manual for the use of the new offices. That document included the rules of use, the new types of space and the use that could be given to it, and where was everything situated once they had moved into the new office.
To make these manuals we had to do a photoshoot of the offices while they were under construction to be able to illustrate the documents. You can see examples of everything below.